Sexual Harassment Training Scenarios (Employee Version)

Office Environment

Across the Board


Jessica reports that Victor, her co-worker, invited her to his house after an employer-sponsored event, and tried to sexually assault her.

This scenario reinforces a supervisor's responsibility to report potential harassment they witnessed, that sexual harassment can occur at an employer-sponsored event outside the workplace and that severe sexual misconduct should immediately be reported to the police.

Albert's Aggravated


Albert speaks to his supervisor because he is concerned about the way he is being treated by his co-workers after he is given a coveted assignment.

This scenario discusses abusive conduct in the workplace and the effect it can have on the victim and other employees in the workplace.

Alex Drops the Ball


A group of employees complain that their supervisor has made biased statements and included them in a layoff because of their race.

This scenario discusses biased statements in the workplace and the importance of proper documentation of performance issues.

Away Game


At a work function held at a restaurant, two coworkers make comments to Julie that could violate their organization's harassment prevention policy. Was Julie sexually harassed if the conduct occurred outside the office?

This scenario discusses issues involving both hostile environment harassment and quid pro quo harassment.

Bonus Blackmail


Adam offers to give Wayne a bonus if he will agree to date him.

This scenario discusses same gender sexual harassment.

The Bonus Pool


Angela objects to her share of the bonus pool after her supervisor holds a meeting at a strip club.

This scenario reinforces concepts concerning inappropriate statements in the workplace, excluding women from work-related functions, proper documentation and the importance of basing workplace decisions on non-discriminatory factors.

Calendar Conundrum


Beth's co-workers react after she complains about a suggestive calendar posted in the workplace.

This scenario discusses both the elements that could contribute towards creating an unlawfully hostile environment and the issue of unlawful retaliation.

Cindy's Slip Up


The organization begins an investigation - including a review of emails and text messages - after it receives a complaint of age discrimination.

This scenario stresses the importance of using care in workplace communications, including electronic communications.

Dating or Harassing?


Anna's supervisor promises she will receive a bonus if she agrees to date him.

This scenario explores the prohibitions against sexual harassment and discusses the meaning of "unwelcome" conduct.

The Demanding Boss


Betty worries that she won't get the raise she deserves unless she gives in to Frank's requests.

This scenario discusses quid pro quo harassment and the importance of proper documentation of employee performance and conduct.

Freida's Complaint


Co-workers harass Fred after he begins the process of gender reassignment.

This scenario discusses gender identity discrimination.

Friendly Customer


Melissa complains that a regular customer has been acting inappropriately and making her uncomfortable.

This scenario discusses whether non-employees can create an unlawful, hostile environment.

The Holiday Party


Bill's explicit jokes at the holiday party don't make everyone laugh.

This scenario reinforces that, for purposes of unlawful harassment, a workplace environment can extend to outside, work related functions.

Homecoming Foul


Jon's and Rob's instant messages contribute to potential sexual harassment.

This scenario reinforces that electronic communications must be treated with the same care as all other workplace communication.

Hostile or Humorous?


Kara complained that a co-worker's "jokes" were discriminatory and demeaning towards women.

This scenario addresses the effect potentially discriminatory "jokes" can have on creating an unlawful hostile environment.

If You Can't Take the Heat...


Joanne quits after complaining about potential sexual harassment.

This scenario discusses issues involving hostile environment harassment, constructive discharge and unlawful retaliation.

It's Still Me


Charlotte is a transgender worker who now identifies as female. Charlotte's co-workers, who learn of the gender transition, are dismissive and disrespectful, with inappropriate questions and comments.

This scenario reinforces that a growing number of laws prohibit gender identity and gender expression discrimination, that gender identity and gender expression discrimination will not be tolerated in the workplace, that gender stereotyping is unlawful, that supervisors have the responsibility to step in when comments or gestures create a hostile work environment and that all employees are responsible for creating an appropriate work environment.

The Outside Harasser


An important client's attentions make Jane uncomfortable at work.

This scenario covers issues such as whether a non-employee can create sexual harassment in the workplace and the employer's obligation to maintain a workplace free of sexual harassment.

Pam's Date


Pam believes she was discriminated against after she brought her date, Linda, to a work function.

This scenario discusses unlawful discriminatory harassment on the basis of sexual orientation.

Power Trips


Scott believes that because he is a senior executive he is not covered by the harassment prevention policy as long as he treats everyone the same.

This scenario emphasizes that all employees are covered by the prohibitions against sexual harassment, regardless of how highly placed they may be within an organization. It also discusses that when specific behaviors may not constitute sexual harassment, such conduct may constitute abusive conduct.

Private Not Private


When coworkers and an independent contractor, Mackenzie, begin an online group chat, their pictures, jokes, and memes evolve into posts about their sex lives. In addition, Mackenzie repeatedly asks out a member of the group and won't accept his refusals.

This scenario reinforces that harassment can happen on social media among employees, independent contractors, clients, vendors, and customers, and that the organization is responsible for the actions of all of these individuals, that both employees and supervisors must report harassment in the workplace and that the discriminatory harassment prevention policies need to be consistently reinforced among all employees, including Independent Contractors.

Revenge is Sweet?


Sharon is subjected to retaliation by her co-workers and denied a promotion after she complains about anti-Semitic conduct in her workplace.

This scenario reinforces the importance of preventing unlawful retaliation by co-workers and supervisors.

R U Serious?


The organization begins an investigation, including a review of emails and text messages, after it receives a complaint of disability discrimination.

This scenario reinforces that all workplace communications must be in compliance with anti-harassment policies.



Richard complains about age discrimination after hearing co-workers' comments and being denied training opportunities.

This scenario explores a potentially unlawful hostile environment created by age-biased comments and conduct.

Starting a Family


When Missy meets with her supervisor to discuss time off for in vitro fertilization treatments, he objects to her request because Missy's partner is a woman.

This scenario reinforces that a growing number of laws prohibit sexual orientation discrimination, that sexual orientation discrimination will not be tolerated in the workplace, that pregnancy is a protected class and that a supervisor's negative reaction about an employee's pregnancy is pregnancy discrimination.

The Touchy Supervisor


Tony's friendly behavior makes one of the employees he supervises uncomfortable.

This scenario discusses the differences between sexual and non-sexual conduct with respect to sexual harassment and reinforces the prohibition against unlawful retaliation.

Turnabout Isn't Fair Play


Ben complains that his supervisor, Cecile, offered to get him a better raise if he would go to her hotel room.

This scenario discusses issues involving hostile environment harassment, constructive discharge and unlawful retaliation.

An Ugly Day


Joe is having problems getting along with his co-workers.

This scenario explores other types of unlawful conduct in the workplace such as harassment based upon disability, age, and race.

Workplace Dating


Is it unlawful for Tom and Penny to start dating?

This scenario explores whether Workplace Dating is considered sexual harassment and covers welcome versus unwelcome conduct.

Workplace Environmental Pollution


Judy is made uncomfortable by age-biased statements made by a non-employee in the workplace.

This scenario discusses the role non-employees can play in creating an unlawful, hostile environment.

Women Harassing a Man


Was Ted a victim of sexual harassment?

This scenario reinforces that both men and women can be victims of sexual harassment and discusses the distinction between sexual and non-sexual conduct with respect to sexual harassment.

Technical/Industrial Environment

Alex Drops the Ball


A group of employees complain that their supervisor has made biased statements and included them in a layoff because of their race.

This scenario discusses biased statements in the workplace and the importance of proper documentation of performance issues.

The Touchy Supervisor


Tony's friendly behavior makes one of the employees he supervises uncomfortable.

This scenario discusses the differences between sexual and non-sexual conduct with respect to sexual harassment and reinforces the prohibition against unlawful retaliation.

Restaurant/Food Service Environment

Friendly Customer


Melissa complains that a regular customer has been acting inappropriately and making her uncomfortable.

This scenario discusses whether non-employees can create an unlawful, hostile environment.

The Touchy Supervisor


Was George a harasser or just friendly?

This scenario explores the differences between appropriate, inappropriate and unlawful conduct.

Workplace Environmental Pollution


Judy is made uncomfortable by age-biased statements made by a non-employee in the workplace.

This scenario discusses the role non-employees can play in creating an unlawful, hostile environment.